241 | Improve User Experience AND Efficiency, Crystal Washington

Same Side Selling Academy > Captivate Podcasts > 241 | Improve User Experience AND Efficiency, Crystal Washington

We're joined this week by technology strategist and futurist, Crystal Washington. Crystal regularly appears on major television networks and in business publications and she's the author of two books, 'One Tech Action' and 'The Social Media Why'.

This particular quote I think sums up how valuable this episode is for right now:

"I think a lot of people believe that the more technology we utilize, the more we should automate things in our sales processes. I take a very opposite approach. Yes, there's room for some level of automation, but I think in the new world that we are moving into right now, relationships matter more than ever. And so I'm a bigger fan of us using technology as a prompt for person to person interaction."

Crystal shares so much great information and if you ever have a chance to see her speak in person, don't miss the opportunity.

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