016 John Jantsch | How to Get The Most Referrals For Your Business

Same Side Selling Academy > Captivate Podcasts > 016 John Jantsch | How to Get The Most Referrals For Your Business

John Jantsch is a foremost expert on marketing, and we talk specific marketing tactics to use to create more referrals. He shares the right way to use case studies vs. the way most companies use them, what results really are and how to cross-sell within your company.

Listen to this episode and discover:

How can you make it easy for people to refer you?
What are trigger phrases and how do they relate to referrals?
How to cross-sell within your company effectively.
How to make price an insignificant factor in a deal.
What channels should you focus on to create more sales?
And so much more…
Episode Overview

John Jantsch is a foremost expert on marketing, and we talk specific marketing tactics to use to create more referrals. He shares the right way to use case studies vs. the way most companies use them, what results really are and how to cross-sell within your company.

Traditionally case studies have been used by companies to show a potential client how they can be helped by a product or service. The case study is generally formatted to show who the client was, what the client's problem was, how the product or service being sold solved that problem and the results the client received after purchasing the product or service.

This approach may not always work according to John. A more effective approach is to use a case study to who the issue the client was facing, the consequences they endured as a result of not having that issue solved and then the results the product or service gave them.

In essence when using this second case study method you share what your client is trying to do, what their objective is, how we're going to measure it and what's the value if you succeed in giving it to them with your product or service. Your job is to attach value to what you are selling so the client sees it as an investment, and they see the price of the loss they are facing if they don't buy it.

When you hear John's philosophy on what a sale actually is you'll understand where his case study approach comes from. John believes a sale isn't a sale until the client receives a result. This is unlike how many people view a sale: a sale is a sale when the deal is closed.

And when you apply this perspective you're far more likely to generate easier, more effective referrals. Why? Because you have quantifiable results for your clients, who will be singing your praises to anyone who will listen! And with those results under your belt you build a stronger belief in yourself, your team and your business which in turn brings in more of your ideal clients.

Learn more: http://www.growmyrevenue.com/business-cast/

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