194 | The Decision Maker Myth, Skip Miller

Same Side Selling Academy > Captivate Podcasts > 194 | The Decision Maker Myth, Skip Miller

The founder and president of M3 Learning, Skip Miller, is on a mission to destroy the term decision maker because he believes, there are really two, not just a single decision maker. According to Skip, you have people above the line and below the line. Skip joins us to talk about some of the great misconceptions related to decision making in the sales process and the difference between above the line and below the line buyers. Skip shows us how to specifically navigate above and below the line to get better results in your business. You're going to learn a ton from Skip Miller.

Listen and Discover
> Why there isn't one decision maker.
> What it means to sell above and below the line.
> That people below the line, maybe seeing the world from a two-dimensional viewpoint and above the line executives are looking at the three-dimensional view of the past and the future.
> The biggest mistake that you see businesses make when they're selling to quote the decision maker.
> How does a seller make the transition from the below the one buyer so that they now include the above the line buyer?
> And much more...

Same Side Selling Podcast https://www.ianaltman.com/same-side-selling-podcast/

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