Our topic today is how NOT to try to earn attention these days. There's a lot of stuff that people are doing because they don't know any better, that is actually repelling rather than attracting their ideal clients. you need to understand that getting attention is not about you getting attention, it is about you...
Top-performing athletes, do you think they practice more or less than the mediocre athletes? And top-performing musicians, do they practice more than the average performers? But, when it comes to sales professionals, they have many, many excuses for why they don't need to practice. Today we are going to talk about why you should practice...
We're going to talk about how to make sales conversations productive. I always say that a sales call is a privilege because you have just done one of the hardest things in sales, you have gotten through the door. The last thing you want to do is blow it! Today we're going to show you...
We're recording this in mid-2021, as people are coming out of the pandemic and things are opening up. Events are starting to happen in person, clients are actually having meetings in person. Meridith and I are going to dive into what are the traps that people are falling into today, that might be similar to...
Today, we are talking about a topic that is near and dear to my heart, which is integrating sales and marketing so that they're not seen as two different universes, but instead, kind of one and the same, joined at the hip. Meredith and I talk about the common pitfalls that companies fall into.
What are the biggest mistakes that you see people make when it comes to sales follow-up? They don't. We've all heard the research that the average salesperson gives up after two to three times. It takes a person eight to 10 touches or messages to make a decision. We'll show you the best ways to...
Ian Altman and Meredith Elliott-Powell discuss how people are looking at the end of the year, going into the next year as we are coming out of the pandemic. A lot of people are making decisions about how they approach their sales, marketing, and business development. What are some of the big mistakes that you're...
In the Same Side Selling Academy, one of the popular questions I am seeing is about how to capture attention and network when in person networking events, trade shows, and "let's just grab coffee" are no longer options. So how should you handle networking when the notion of networking has changed dramatically? Find out my...
In this episode, I want to talk about the 3 biggest mistakes I'm seeing being made during and coming out of this time of crisis. For many, these past few months have been devastating. You want to emerge from this crisis and drive meaningful results, but there are three big mistakes that I've noticed. If...
I'm joined this week by Sean Dailey. Sean is an experienced marketing executive who helps businesses leverage digital marketing and social media ads to grow. I met Sean through a mutual client where he combined his expertise in digital marketing with the principles of Same Side Selling to generate incredible results. I'm certain that you'll...