
Establish A Modern Approach To Grow Your Business With Integrity

B2B organizations call on Ian Altman when they want to accelerate revenue growth with integrity.
As a B2B keynote speaker and strategic advisor, Ian helps businesses modernize their approach to marketing, sales, and customer experience to align with how buyers make decisions, earn the role of trusted advisor, and dramatically grow revenue.
After working with Ian and implementing his approach, organizations have seen remarkable results!
Are you doing cold outreach but getting zero responses? Cold outreach can be a great tool in generating new leads. However, it can also be detrimental to your business if you aren't executing it properly. In this week's episode, I share with you the many mistakes salespeople fall into when doing cold outreach and how...
When you are recruiting talent, are you searching for candidates who fit objective criteria? This is one common mistake across sales organizations when growing their sales teams. Although you do want to make sure you have a qualified candidate, you also want to make sure you are recruiting sales people who are looking for the...
A voicemail is an opportunity for you to pique a potential client’s interest. However, many fall into common traps that inevitably set them up for failure. In this week’s episode, I am going to share with you 3 common traps I see sales people fall into with voicemails. Join me in this conversation as I...
Are you making useful time with your sales kickoff meeting or are you just presenting your team with information you could deliver in a video or email? One of the biggest mistakes I see organizations make is not productively using their sales kickoff meeting to uncover what struggles or challenges they are facing.  You want...
It is key that you are effectively communicating with your team, clients and potential customers. You want to make sure your message is being heard and your passion or emotion behind the words is being properly construed.   In this episode, Darcy Webb, The Speech Diva, shares some key takeaways on how to effectively communicate better....
How do you structure a successful sales organization? Do you focus vertically? Geographically? These are questions I am asked frequently and the answer may surprise you. There are many variables that affect your sales organization I am asked about from lead generation and qualifying leads to the sales process and scaling. In today’s episode, I...
Customer experience is important for retaining clients. When something goes wrong, it actually opens an opportunity to deliver a great experience for the customer. The recovery you have can better the experience the customer has when working with you.  We can all learn something when things don’t go right, we have a choice to recover...
Are you losing deals to no decision? In recent research, it is found that 40% to 60% of deals for the average salesperson are lost to no decision due to the client sticking with the status quo. In 2020 after going 100% virtual overnight, sales calls went from in person to Zoom. Matt Dixon, while...
Are you looking for a referral to help your business or to help potential clients? The recipient of a referral should never feel like the client has done you a favor. Instead, your potential client should feel that they are getting the favor. But how do you do this?  In this week’s episode, I share...
Proposals are an old school way of thinking. Now hear me out, if you could bypass the proposal stage and go right to an agreement, would you do it? In this week’s episode, I share with you how you can let go of the need to always send a proposal and start working towards a...
B2B organizations call on Ian Altman when they want to accelerate revenue growth with integrity.
+1 (240) 242-7460
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