
Establish A Modern Approach To Grow Your Business With Integrity

B2B organizations call on Ian Altman when they want to accelerate revenue growth with integrity.
As a B2B keynote speaker and strategic advisor, Ian helps businesses modernize their approach to marketing, sales, and customer experience to align with how buyers make decisions, earn the role of trusted advisor, and dramatically grow revenue.
After working with Ian and implementing his approach, organizations have seen remarkable results!
When gifting a client, the gift should signify the value you place on the relationship. In this episode, John Ruhlin from Giftology joins Ian to delve into the world of gifting in sales and how it can be used to cut through the noise, drive referrals and increase top of mind awareness. We cover the...
Although AI is a fast growing and useful tool when it comes to marketing and sales strategies, you can still fall into a common trap. Whether using Artificial Intelligence or learned sales strategies, you must make sure you are asking the right questions. In this week's episode, I share with the key questions and strategies...
While battling addiction, Michael Brody-Waite found himself at rock bottom and as a last ditch effort he went to rehab. During rehab Michael learned three key principles for recovering addicts, rigorous authenticity, surrender the outcome and do uncomfortable work. Michael used these principles to grow a very successful CEO, leader and author. In this episode,...
Are you stuck with delayed deals? Do you clients lack a sense of urgency to solve their problem? This is a common problem salespeople deal with when trying to finish a deal. However, you may be falling into a common trap when qualifying your leads that ends in a delayed deal. In this week's episode,...
Why do customers buy from you? When trying to sell, you may be falling into the common trap of focusing on why your products or services are the best. No matter how good your product or services are, clients buy because of what problems they help solve for them. In this episode, I am joined...
What can bad driving and bad selling possibly have in common? During this episode, I share how these two correlate and what lessons can be learned from each. Join me in this episode as I discuss the best practices to increase your business growth and sales success. Looking for more guidance and support on handling...
As salespeople, we get really excited when we have evidence of how well our product or service solves a problem. But often, our clients don't buy into our facts as we expect. In this episode, I share a much more effective tactic you can use to connect with your clients and enrich the sales process....
Whether you are reselling someone else's products or services or you have independent reps who sell your products, there are key mistakes you want to make sure you avoid with channel partners. In this episode, I share with you the best strategies to use when selling with channel partners to work together and implement your...
As the end of the year approaches, it is a time most sales people are trying to win year end deals. However, there are key mistakes salespeople make that end up adding a false sense of urgency and a need to discount their products or services. In this episode, I share the key steps to...
Have you spent endless hours putting together the perfect proposal only to not be chosen by the client? You are stuck wondering how you did not land the deal because your proposal was detailed, well put together and shared all of the information about your company. Well, you may have fallen into the common trap...
B2B organizations call on Ian Altman when they want to accelerate revenue growth with integrity.
+1 (240) 242-7460
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